Why should we be of good cheer?
John 16:33 Jesus said to his disciples, “I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart. I have overcome the world.”
Jesus says, “I have overcome the world, in a world of tribulation, in a world of trial, in a world of temptation, and sin, and sorrow, and suffering, and evil, and injustice.” We could go on and on and on.
And Jesus says, “You will have tribulation in this world. Don’t be surprised by it, but I speak peace into the middle of that, because I take heart.
Today’s Bible verse is clear that we will all face trouble.
Everyone feels defeated sometimes.
Everyone feels lost, scared, hurt and broken sometimes.
However, God tells us that He has overcome the world and all of our trouble.
Why should we be of good cheer?
God lives in our spirit! He is literally inside of us!
Do not think for a second that we are defeated. Lift up our head, for we belong to the king who has conquered death. He has overcome the world and promises to bring us into his perfect presence forever and ever.
So, because He lives in and through us, through Him, we can overcome this world! That is so amazing!
However, many of us find ourselves turning away from Him when we are feeling defeated. We try to conquer this world by ourselves.
So next time when we start to feel like we can’t face the day, call out to Him!
Oh Lord Jesus, I can’t face today. My heart is so full of hurt. Fill me with Your peace and love, and help me to remember that You live in me, and that through You, I can overcome this world!
Jesus lives within us, and that if we call out to Him, He will fill us with peace and love.
Jooley Mathew Z