Empty House 🏠 God is word conscious
Mathew 12: 43- 45
Jesus said, So shall it also be with this wicked generatiion.
- Who is this wicked generation? Wicked generation are the people , who confessed their sins , and are washed by the blood of Jesus, received Salvation but their house is empty. Because they are not reading Bible and pray regularly, not growing spiritually, backslided or not delivered from the past sinful life, and not giving place for Jesus to dwell in their heart permanently. That means, even though their house is swept, and put in order, it is empty. Jesus, our Saviour, owner of the house is not there, not dwelling in their house. Their house or their heart, body, home and family is empty or vacant.
- This man is delivered from the unclean spirit . This spirit goes through dry places, seeking rest but it didn’t find one. So it comes back and saw the house it lived before which was swept and put in order . So it goes and brings 7 more spirits which are more wicked than himself. They all together as 8, now enter and dwell in that empty house. Yes, today we would have saved from the sin. But after that , whether we gave place for Jesus to live permanently in our house? Is He dwelling in our house now? Let us search our life.
- If our house is empty or vacant , remember that our last state will be worse than the first. So let us keep this fact in mind always.
- Therefore let us always give place for our Saviour Jesus Christ to dwell in our heart, in our life, and family. Let us be united with Christ in all areas of our life. Let Him dwell , rule over our life and guide our life according to His will. May His name be glorified through our life. Amen. Hallelujah.
Dr. Padmini Selvyn.
God is word conscious Matthew:12
❇️ But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken(v36)
❇️ For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned (v37)
❇️ It is said we listen half, understand quarter but speak double. Who we are is constantly revealed by what we say. Words once spoken, are recorded for the judgement. Words spoken leave often a lasting impression on others.
❇️ Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Matt.12:34)
❇️ Actually, the most casual, almost thoughtless words we speak in our unguarded moments often reveal our heart than our carefully prepared words.
❇️ The Lord listens when his children speak to one another (Mal.3:16). God measures all words spoken – words that build up are constructive and the words that wound are destructive.
❇️ Book of Proverbs lists the following words.
Constructive words
▪️Healing words (15:4)
▪️Timely words (15:23)
▪️Pleasant words (16:24)
▪️Gracious words (22:11)
▪️Apt words (25:11)
Destructive words
▪️Reckless words (12:18)
▪️Rash words (13:3)
▪️Harsh words (15:1)
▪️Friendship breaking words (17:9)
▪️Hasty words (29:20)
❇️ Bible also cautions us about speaking jealous and critical words (Num.12:1-15) and grumbling words against each (Jas.5:9) other because we will be judged.The Judge is standing at the door. St.Paul cautions about speaking empty words (Eph.5:6)
❇️ Let us check our vocabulary to find out what kind of words from the above list are plenty in it.
❇️ Our words can either show our Christian love which can draw people to Christ or show our insensitivity to people’s need which will prevent them to come to Christ. We have a choice either to use the loving and encouraging word of God or to use trivial, empty and wounding words in our conversation.
❇️ Let us be conscious of the fact that we will have to give account to God on the day of judgement for every words we speak.
✅ Insights learnt:
▪️God is word conscious
▪️We can choose to use either the constructive or the destructive words
▪️Our words can either draw others to Christ or prevent them from coming to Christ
(Wesley Duewel thoughts included)
God can forgive every sin but one Matt 12:31 So I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven
Jesus says there is a sin that can’t be forgiven. It is speaking against the Holy spirit Pharasees had blasphemed against the spirit by attributing the power by which christ did miracles to satan instead of the Holy spirit 12:24 The unpardonable sin is the deliberate refusal to acknowledge God’s power in Christ. It indicates the hardness of heart.
God hates sin because of the pain it causes us, others, Him. But He is always ready to forgive He wants you to admit your sin and get a fresh start
Cyn thia Sathiaraj