Testimony from Sujith T. from Andhra Pradesh
My name is Sujith T. I am from Narasapuram village located in Andhra Pradesh, India. My father is Mr Vijaykumar ,an Evangelist working in Mar Thoma Mission field, Narasapuram.
Priorly, I thank God, my Lord Jesus Christ, for helping me to be part of Whatsapp ministry across the world in different languages.
Right from my childhood, I used to read Bible but my understanding of the Bible was inadequate. The Insights posted in Bible reading programme made me understand Bible in depth and more clearly. I observed understanding Bible and reading Bible has vast difference. I feel privileged to say that it is my fourth Bible reading programme that i am involved with . Soon after 180 days reading programme Susan Aunty made me an admin to one of the Telugu groups-since then I could add a lot of my friends, my co villagers, few evangelists and relatives and open their minds to systematic Bible learning schedule –
I render my special thanks to Susan Aunty, for introducing me to this Bible reading programme and encouraging me to administer the telugu groups.
I Specially thank, Rev. C.V Abraham Achen for his enormous contribution and hard work in establishing this ministry and administer more than 11k groups across the world in different languages.
I also thank Sridevi Sister for her dedication and hard work for translating the Insights in Telugu and many others who put their enormous efforts and joined hands to make this programme a success.
Happy are those who delight in the law of Lord and meditate day and night.(psalms 1:2)- please pray that I dedicate my life most sincerely and involve in full time ministry for the Lord.
Thank you!