Our days on earth is like a Shadow without God
Without God, our days on earth is like a Shadow, but with God it is Abundant Life even if we are in a Red Alert Zone, in this Lockdown… 1Chronicles 29:14-16
📌It is so encouraging to read David’s prayer before his earthly departure. What a powerful prayer, a prayer to pray before wrapping up everything on earth and getting ready to exit this world. With every breath from a being a shepherd boy to being a king, he is so mindful of God’s grace, mercy and love.
📌Today I am writing this insight from a red zone, on high alert for the highest covid 19 infection and what a place to write from, after meditating on 1Chronicles 29. Everything in Heaven and Earth is His, including me, and He gives me from His Hand the Strength and Power to overcome the highest level of restrictions and exposure to an infected environment, 1Chroncles 29:11-12
📌Now is the time to reflect on our life and praise God for all His greatness, power, glory, majesty and splendor. We have been too busy to pause and praise, and to recognize that all we have comes from Him, 1Chronicles 29:11&14. How have we spent what He has given us? In this lockdown are we hoarding or giving?
📌David and his people gave generously because they were very aware that everything came from God, 1Chroncles 29:14. What is in our wallet belongs to Him. We are called to manage the things He has given us. We are so consumed with the stuffs that we have collected that we need to rent storage rooms to store them and not used. God is our source of supply and we are His distribution centers.
📌David when he knew he can’t build the temple for God, went about making preparation for his son to build the temple and set an example by making his personal contributions, besides raising materials for the building through the contribution of his people. It was like David saying, if I can’t build a temple then I will buy the material for it. He gave to the house of God, over and above all that he had already provided for the holy temple 1 Chronicles 29:2-3, setting an example for his people
📌David had a great attitude towards God and so he was so grateful from his heart. The people rejoiced in the willing response of their leaders, 1Chroncles 29:9. When was the last time we rejoiced in giving to the Lord’s work? In this pandemic the level of offertory, tithe and giving has decreased greatly. Missionaries are not paid, mission fields and mission hospitals, orphages and Christian instiutes are lacking funds. Our neighborhood needs food. We don’t have to build palatial place to worship but the kingdom work has to be ongoing.
📌Dear Child of God, Remember this, we got to say daily for the rest of our lives that, God is the owner of everything. We like to focus on the little kingdoms we build, and draw other people’s attention to it. David, the most powerful king, recognizes that the King of kings is on the throne and it is He who should get all the honour and glory. David realizes who the real King is and who is sitting on the real throne
📌As David was so focused on his huge offering, that it suddenly dawned on him, as he was praying that, his life was only a shadow, if God was not the One who gave him everything for an abundant life. He realized that, he was only a tenant on God’s earth and a caretaker of what God has given him, 2Chronicles 29:14-16.
📌In this lockdown, let us remember that God is not only the possessor of all things but He is also the provider of all things, and that includes us, our life and what we have. Because everything belongs to God, we don’t have to be jealous of what others have. Let us be accountable and responsible for everything we have from God as good stewards to care and share for God’s glory because God tests the integrity of the heart, 1Chronicles 29:17…Amen🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️