Your hairs are numbered

Reading from 1Chronicles 1 to 9
Family trees!
Tongue twisting names!

Right from 1st chapter of 1st Chronicles till 9th chapter 98% of it is covered with only names starting from Adam till the children  of God are exiled to Babylon.

By this we can understand the love of God towards His people. God is full of man. The mind of God is always revolving around His children

The children of Israel were in their worst situation ever since the beginning of the creation because of their innumerable sins. They were  under captivity of Babylonians. God allowed them to be afflicted.
David says:  Thy judgements are right and that thou in faithfulness has afflicted me (Ps119:75)

God might have forsaken them for time being (In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment….. Is54:8) but He remembered their names at this moment.

Dear child of God if God loved the old covenant children of Israel that much do you know how much more He loves us!
Remember we are spiritual Israelites,  the provisions he made for us in heaven are far better than the ones which He made for them.
He just remembered their names

But in our case:
The very hairs of your head are all numbered.(Mat 10: 30)
Because God loved them He mentioned their names in the Bible.
Imagine if God wants to mention about you and me, He will not merely mention your name, He will number your hairs and gives a name for each one! That’s how He cares and loves you!
Do you know that our names are also written in the book of life (Rev 20:15) and in the Lamb’s book of life? (Rev 21:27)

Its only God who can count our hairs- its only God who can know our hearts- its only God who can care for us.
His love towards us is wonderful, unconditional and everlasting

Stay blessed 😊