🚂 Remarkable Journey 🚂
Journeys are interesting and refreshing. Paul in his missionary journeys came across several people and different experiences. Each and every journey was unique in its own way. God was leading him in every journey. Many he led them to Christ. Some opposed him, many embraced him and few mistreated him. Yet it was all part of his missionary journeys.
🚂 Pondering over Paul and his missionary journeys made me think about our journey. We are all traveling together in this Spiritual Journey of Reading the Bible in 270 Days. We travel in different compartments depending upon our language. Each journey is becoming bigger in number as more and more people from all over the world join day by day to read the Bible.
God has recorded the names of few people in Paul’s missionary journeys in the Bible. But every single name is registered in heaven. In the same manner though there are several thousands in this Bible Reading group we know very few names. But God has recorded all who are reading His Word sincerely and toiling behind the scenes in this ministry.
🚂 Each and every journey in this Bible reading group is unique and different. Like Paul we come across different kinds of people and varied experiences. Regardless of the experience, our primary motive is to read the Bible systematically. Some have sadly left half way thinking that Insights are the focus of this ministry.
Some quietly moved away as they found it difficult to keep up with the pace. But those who were focused and steadfast kept moving forward amid oppositions, criticism, unjust accusations, sickness and busyness.
🚂 Perhaps you might have failed to read the Bible completely this time. Don’t lose heart and feel sad. Our God is a God of second chances. Here comes another golden opportunity to read the Bible systematically as a big group in 300 days. Register your name to Read and Serve the Lord. The program starts on May 15th, 2021.
Anyone and Everyone who are thirsty to Read the Bible and Serve the Lord are invited to come and join Reading the Bible in 300 Days. Come, read His Word and serve Him.
God bless us to be channels of blessings.
Mrs Sheela Jebakumar ✍
March 11, 2021