Evaluate my reasons for worshiping God
🔹Wrong Worship
The Ephesus incident can remind me to evaluate my reasons for worshiping God. The silversmiths wanted to protect their worship as a way of protecting their prosperity. Don’t ever let our worship of God become an avenue to good fortune. I worship God because of His love for me and because of who He is. Let’s worship God the right way.
Truth is: Don’t worship God to gain His benefits-we already have them.
🔹Obeying God
Paul’s desire was to do God’s will and fulfill His purpose for his life, no matter what might happen to him. None of us knows what tomorrow holds. Sometimes God’s will involve walking through “the valley of the shadow of death”. At other times I may have to choose the path of hardship because I wish to do what is right, rather than what is easy. I can remember that obeying God’s will “for the name of the Lord Jesus’ is far more important than what may happen to me. Â
Truth is: What we call adversity, God calls opportunity.
To God be the Glory!
Br. John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,