Our past will be forever buried
The most Spectacular and Stunning Miracle of the Red Sea parting, is a reminder that God can still make a way out of the Lockdown to bring us through to the other side….Exodus 14:21-22
🐚 The great salvation and deliverance the Israelites had recently experienced, evaporated, as panic, unbelief, lack of confidence in Jehovah God to do another miracle gained momentum with their murmuring and complaining.
🐚Isn’t that what we do so often, forgetting that we have been Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, when we face an avalanche of problems in our life especially in this global pandemic?
🐚It is easy to forget the glorious promises we have in the Word of God through Christ Jesus and that all His Promises are yes and amen, 2Corinthians 1:20, when the facts about the disastrous virus are more visible than the spiritual truth. That is why we need a group like this to encourage one another to read the Bible and stay focused on the things of God to feed our faith and starve our fear.
🐚The Children of Israel joyfully marched out of Egypt because they had trusted God but suddenly they found themselves hemmed in on every side.
🐚Their fearsome and formidable enemy was closing in from behind, the impenetrable, immovable mountain peaks towered to the right and to the left and the deep and dangerous waters of the Red Sea abruptly halted their forward march to freedom.
🐚We have a fearsome and formidable virus that has hemmed us suddenly, which has brought nations, leadership, both secular and religious, the military force, scientific field and every other domain looking for answers to combat this dreaded disease but no one has the answer. The answer will be found in God alone and it will be God WHO will bring the breakthrough. Anything that stands in the way of God’s people worshipping Him has to be drowned in the Red Sea!
🐚Repeatedly God said to Pharaoh through Moses, “Let my people go, so that they may worship Me”, Exodus 9:1. But, he didn’t let them go in spite of all the plagues, and even when he did let them go, he regretted it and chased after them, Exodus 14:5-6. Worship is important to God. Sometimes God will allow us to go through some situations, so that, He can bring us to a point where He drown once and for all, what was keeping us in bondage. I am looking forward to Worshipping God with the people of God with freedom from the virus and God will once again deliver His people from this pandemic in His appointed time
🐚After their Salvation from the Death Angel, the Israelites were Saved once again from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, Exodus 14:23. It was only after they Egypt that the Pillar of Cloud, which was the Glory Cloud, Showed up for all to see. We must leave the Spiritual Egyptian Bondage and Slavery for the Glory of God to show up in our lives
🐚We must walk away from our Egypt and come under the Glory Cloud. No matter what enemies are pursuing us, the Lord is mighty to save. Stand still, rest in His promises, abide in His love and trust His Word, until He makes a path in our Red Sea situations
🐚There is something that will encourage us from this passage, whenever Satan brings up OUR PAST, we can remind him it is under the Blood, Buried and Blocked by the Glory of God because the Glory of God will move from the Front and Stand BETWEEN Our PAST Egyptians and Us. Our PAST WILL BE FOREVER BURIED, Exodus 14:19-20.
🐚Child of God, Remember this, God will make a way out of this Covid 19 situation. If there is something in the past chasing you for a long time that is making you fearful in this lockdown, the Blood of Jesus can drown those Past Egyptians, heal your memories and restore you whole. The Glory of God will move from the front and stand between the Past Egyptians and You. God will use your lockdown experience to reveal His Glory.
🐚Our desire should be to bring glory to His Name in everything we do, say, eat, wear and by how we live, wherever we are. It took one night to get the Israelites out of Egypt but we know it took them forty years to get Egypt out of their hearts. After a Red Sea experience, we have to go through a deeper cleansing, melting and moulding where the flesh and the worldly desires just melts. For that, we got to be like Moses and learn to Stand Still to See The Deliverance of the Lord, Exodus 14: 13…..Amen🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️