We walk in obedience to His commandments

The garments of the priests were also made just as it was stipulated by God. Each part of the priest’s clothing, the head gear and other accessories had their own significance and, therefore were important to be included in the final design. By them the priest was recognised as anointed and set apart as holy unto the Lord carrying the burdens and sacrifices for sin of the people and themselves to the Lord and bringing back to them His forgiveness, commands and guidance, Exodus 39.

When Moses inspected all the work, he found that they had done it exactly as the LORD had commanded – and Moses blessed them, Exodus 39:43. Blessings are stored for those who accurately obey even the least of God’s commandments and teach others to do the same. They will be called great in the Kingdom of heaven, Mathew 5:19.

It was only then that the glory of God came over the tabernacle and tent of meeting and the presence of God abode there, Exodus 40 :16,34. Similarly, as we consciously walk in obedience to all God’s commandments, His glory will fill and radiate from our lives, even when we pass through the wilderness phases, and we will be in a position to know His guidance and leading more accurately, even as they did by the witness of the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud by night and day respectively, vs 36-38.

If this is not our experience as believers, then we definitely need to question our walk, as to whether we are walking in obedience or not! The burnt offering, *Leviticus 1, the grain offering, *Leviticus 2, and the peace offerings, Leviticus 3 are all symbolic of how we should be offering our bodies as a living sacrifice unto the Lord because Christ the Passover Lamb has being sacrificed as a burnt offering on our behalf.

So, in view of this great mercy of God, we too need to sacrifice our bodies as living sacrifices unto Him, not literally, but in terms of denying our sinful desires so that we walk in obedience to His commandments.

This is true worship and as we do so faithfully, from day to day, we will be led in the good acceptable and perfect will of God, Romans 12:1,2. Sad to say that the Israelites failed miserably, each time they came to a difficult time of testing, inspite of all that God did for them.

Let us learn from their example and determine not to go the way of disobedience, but rather choose to obey God in faith, giving glory to Him and teaching others to do so too, thus ensuring that we experience His presence, protection, provision and power every day of our lives! What will our response be?

Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.