Standing in the Gap 🙏

Ezekiel Chapter 22

👉 In this Chapter, we learn:
Why judgment would come to Jerusalem (22:2-16)
How it would be approached (22:17-22)
Who would be affected by it (22:23-31).

👉 Those actions and sins that occurred back then seem very similar to what is happening in society today. (James 3:1).
👉 We are living in a period of extraordinary assaults by Satan.
👉* It is critical that we continue in prayers for our leaders*.
👉 It is fundamental for the leaders to take accountability, to assist them with keeping their spiritual and moral integrity.

📍The leaders (priests), those whom God chose, were to keep God’s worship pure and to teach right living.
📍But, hey had ignored the Sabbath and caused God to become commonplace in everyone’s life.
📍*They discontinued performing their duties *(Leviticus 10:10-11; Ezekiel 44:23).
📍We too have discontinued giving God the worship He merits.
📍*The ‘hedge’ was not a physical wall, but rather faithful people united to resist evil. *
📍The hedge had broken and crumbled because there wasn’t anyone who could guide the people back to God.
📍The people needed spiritual rebuilding.

💥We should not utilize religion as a band-aid or whitewash.
💥We need to fix our lives by living by the standards of God’s Word.
💥It is then that we can unite with others to ‘stand in the gap’ and have any kind of effect for God in the world.

So, what does it mean to stand in the gap?
To mediate between two groups
To forge a connection
To fill a void
To step up
To take the initiative

Who in the Bible filled a gap?
• Moses – for the people
• David – against a giant
• Nehemiah – work to be done
• Esther – for saving a nation
• Jesus – saved the world

How can we fill the gap?
• Intercessory prayer – 1 Timothy 2:1; Ephesians 6:18
• Working – 1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Timothy 2:15
• Witnessing – Matthew 5:16; Acts 1:8
• Preaching – Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 1:21
• Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ – Psalms 96:3; Matthew 28:19


Princess Hudson

🔸Our Leaders

The leaders were responsible for the moral climate of the nation of Israe because God chose them to lead. We are living in a time of unprecedented attacks by Satan. We must uphold our leaders in prayer to keep their spiritual integrity and accountability. At times, I complain and say that the government is unfair, But God’s Word says I should give thanks and lift my leaders up in prayer. Truth is: Those in power need the power of prayer.

🔹Love and Light.
When I give the appearance of loving God without living His way, I am covering up sins that could damage me beyond repair. I no longer give God what he deserves. I should live up to His level Instead of bringing God down to my level. He wants my love to be displayed in obedience so that I might be His light to people around me.

Truth is: Loving God doesn’t make life effortless, but having His strength makes it easier.

All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.
Br. John Rajan/ Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,