270 Days: Ready for Take-Off
Bible in 270 days
🎼 In A Poetic Note 🎼
✈ Ready for Take-Off ✈
Here stands the flight;
Reading Bible in 270 days.
All set and ready to take-off;
In few days, in few hours.
Have you booked tickets?
For family, friends, colleagues.
Boarding pass is ready;
Seat is reserved for certain.
Be sure not to miss the flight;
Reading Bible in 270 days.
Plenty of surprises in store;
When you board this flight.
Take care to board correct flight;
As per your language preference.
Let not crowd discourage you;
With temporary settling issues.
Forget not to fasten seat belt;
As take-off may be uncomfortable.
Give time for all to settle down;
To enjoy the journey ahead.
The travel ahead may not;
Be always smooth and cool.
Storms and winds are sure;
To dampen our spirits and heart.
Learn to push away obstacles of;
Sickness, busyness, lack of time.
To keep with our schedule of;
Reading Bible in 270 days.
Don’t get discouraged and quit;
On missing schedule for few days.
Be on board trying to complete;
Reading Bible in 270 days.
Daily supply of New Manna;
Come fresh from Kitchen Table.
Enjoy munching In a Nutshell;
Musings over various insights.
Safe is the take-off and landing;
Engraved are we in Pilot’s palm.
Members, Admins and Coordinators;
All follow rules and regulations.
Enlightened will our heart be;
On traversing this spiritual journey.
Better not miss the flight of;
Reading Bible in 270 days.
Mrs Sheela Jebakumar ✍