Blessings and Curses
Leviticus 26
It is a remarkable chapter, promising blessings to an obedient person and curses to disobedient person.
God reminds the foundational law, that “Yahweh “, the covenant God that He alone must be worshipped.
God is observing the Sabbath and regarding God ‘s sanctuary with reverence.
It is clearly speaking of a divine blessing. The remarkable promises clearly have a supernatural element.
We can enjoy a special relationship with God, otherwise all the material blessings would be empty.
God’s blessings speak of freedom and dignity.
God proclaims the liberty of His people and invites to walk in it.
The section of curses is twice as long as the section on blessings.
If people continued in their disobedience, God would multiply their sorrows.
God is great in His mercies. God would always remember, receive and bless a repentant person.
Under the new covenant, we are blessed not because of our obedience, but because we are in Christ Jesus, because all the curses were borne by Jesus..
Maby Sundar India group no.7070
The Year of Jubilee – Leviticus 25
God commanded the House of Israel to observe a year of Jubilee every 50 years.
During the day of Atonement, the blowing of a ram’s horn would indicate the start of the Year of Jubilee.
The Jubilee Year, was to be a year of rest, including the forgiveness of all debts, and the liberation of slaves and servants to their native lands. Therefore, the Israelites would dedicate this year of rest to God, acknowledging that God would provide for their needs.
During this year, the Israelites were not supposed to reap or harvest; it was a time for people to return to their families and loved ones.
God also instituted the Year of Jubilee as a foreshadowing for his future work on the cross. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, he relieves us of all spiritual debts and our slavery to sin.
We can also celebrate the Year of Jubilee in our modern society we live in, we can dedicate our year to the Lord. We can find times to rest, times to forgive others of their moral debts and times to let God move, so we don’t overwork ourselves.
Remember, it is through Jesus’ work on the cross, we have the chance to experience an eternal jubilee in heaven.
Licy John, Hyderabad – 7067
Chapter 24
Rules about God’s table and blasphemy
In this chapter we have, I. the laws concerning the lamps and the show-bread (v. 1-9). II. A violation of the law against blasphemy, with the imprisonment, trial, condemnation, and execution, of the blasphemer (v. 10-14, with v. 23). III. The law against blasphemy reinforced (v. 15, v. 16), with sundry other laws (v. 17, etc.).
God’s table
There were three pieces of furniture: The golden candelabra with its seven branches, of which we all have seen pictures and which is still such a fundamental symbol among the Jewish people; The solid gold table, upon which was to be displayed the twelve loaves of show bread that was the food of the priests; and The golden altar of incense, which stood right against the veil which separated the holy place from the holy of holies and where the fragrant frankincense was burned before God as an offering by fire.
The priests put the bread on the table each Sabbath Day. The Sabbath Day was the 7th day of the week. Verses 5-9 Exodus 25:30 refers to the special bread. Only the priests could eat this special bread, Matthew 12:4.
Those pieces of furniture are a remarkably accurate picture of how the three major functions of our soul — the mind, the emotions, and the will — are intended to operate as the soul is filled with the Spirit of God.
Rules about Blasphemy
In all of Leviticus, only two stories break up the statutes and legislation that otherwise fill up the book:1 one story comes in Leviticus 10, narrating how Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, had offered strange fire before Yahweh. The other story comes here in Leviticus 24:10–16, when the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man blasphemes “the Name” (Lev. 24:11). In both stories, the offenders are put to death— by Yahweh himself in the case of Nadab and Abihu and by the entire congregation of Israel in the case of the blasphemer.
But in fact, there is an important difference between the Israelites in Leviticus 24 and those of us living today: namely, Yahweh established a theocracy with Israel through a unique, national covenant that he made with his people. So, in addition to the moral laws represented by the Ten Commandments, and in addition to the ceremonial laws prescribing the nature of Israel’s worship that make up much of Leviticus, God’s (old) covenantal law with his people legislated that blasphemers were to receive the death penalty.
It is still sinful to blaspheme today, since blasphemy is a violation of the third commandment, but because we are no longer members of the old covenant, the civil consequence mandated for blasphemy (the death penalty) no longer applies.
Instead, we live today in a totally different reality. We live in the knowledge that Jesus has come into this world to establish a new covenant unlike the covenant that Israel broke (Heb. 8:9), a covenant that is not dependent upon a holy land or a holy temple. Instead, God’s kingdom dwells in the hearts of his people throughout the entire world. Blasphemy is still a violation of God’s holy law, but God’s law no longer mandates civil punishments for that crime.
Rather, we await the coming of Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead for all their deeds. Blasphemy will not go unpunished, but we are not the ones to administer the consequences.
Because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead. Acts 17:31
Neetie V Kapoor