He has compassion for our struggles
God has something to teach me about true prosperity. I can be “well off” when it comes to worldly treasures and yet be in poverty in my soul. Or I can be poor in terms of earthly stuff and be lavishly rich by God’s standards. The power of wealth reminds me of the story of the rich young ruler. It’s not that Jesus is against wealth. It’s just that He is grieved by anything that I value more than Him. I can work hard and make money, but when those things are the main goal of life, and then Jesus isn’t. Placing Him first and foremost in our lives is the key to true prosperity.
Truth is: Don’t let riches—or the goal of riches— derail our pursuit of Jesus.
During difficult times I often lament about my faith. Jesus taught His disciples the importance of having the right object of faith. The most important issue is not the amount of my faith but the object of my faith. Jesus’ assurance is that I too could pray for and receive amazing results through God-centered faith. And so may we. Get to know God better and trust Him.
Truth is: Our faith may not be great but our God is.
All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.
Br. John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,
He has compassion for our struggles.
Mark 10:19-23
Even though being morally good, kind, considerate and loving is good and may benefit others here on earth but It won’t get you into heaven without a relationship with Jesus.
You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.
“Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.
Jesus knows what you lack and your struggles and through it all he still has compassion for you.
He has compassion for our struggles.
Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Don’t allow your struggles and lack there of cause you to miss out on the best gift ever given to mankind. Eternal Life!!
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!”
Remember that you’re not alone and that we are all in this together and that because he lives no matter what we can face tomorrow. If there’s something in your life keeping you from drawn closer to Jesus,
PLEASE DON’T be afraid to give up because in the end you won’t regret it!!
The Lesson of the Fig Tree
Mark 11:12-25
Jesus Curses the Fig Tree.
Jesus Cleanses the Temple.
Jesus saw when he entered the temple. It looked good. It looked alive. But it wasn’t, at least not alive to God.
It was like the fig tree—full of leaf but without fruit. Like the fake pears for my son, this passage is a lesson in how to spot the real thing. In this case, it’s true worship.
How to spot true worship of God?
True worship bears fruit for God.
True worship promotes life with God.
True worship has faith in God.
Why did Jesus take out his anger on the poor fig tree? Why curse it?
The fig tree held spiritual value as a symbol for Israel, serving as a metaphor for their standing with God. And like Adam and Eve after the fall, this fig tree, though full in leaf, was useful only to cover nakedness.
The temple in Jerusalem was much the same. What appeared full of life was actually lifeless. Jesus wants his disciples to see this. Why?
It is possible to be outwardly religious and inwardly dead.
But we need reality with Jesus, not the appearance of reality with him.
We need the real thing.
We need intimacy.
We need fruit.
We need life.
So why did Jesus go the the temple with his disciples, look around, and leave only to go back the next day? Because there was this hypocritical fig tree in Bethany that was going to serve as an object lesson about the hypocritical temple in Jerusalem.
3 Crucial Lessons Mark 12 Teaches Us About Love
Not only is God loving, but God loves you! Apart from your performance, God loves you and accepts you as you are.
God loves you so much that through His Son Jesus Christ, He gladly forgives all your past, resides within you for hope, help and healing in your present, and will walk with you hand in hand like a loving parent for the rest of your life and into eternity.
God’s love is mind-bending, heart-changing and destiny-altering.
God loves you. God cannot love you more. God will not love you less.
God and His love for you are gifts for you to enjoy and share with others.
Jesus talks about this, and His best friend John (nicknamed “the one Jesus loved”) echoes it in 1 John 4:11, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we must also love one another.”
Love—undoubtedly one of the most significant words in the Bible—appears roughly 800 times.
Simply put, when the Bible says God is love, it means He is relational. God wants a relationship with each one of us. This is why He speaks to us through Scripture and listens to us through prayer.
Furthermore, God made us like Him, in a limited sense, to be in loving relationship with Him and others, starting with what Jesus calls our “neighbor.” Therefore, our loving relationships are supposed to start at home with our family members sleeping in the rooms next to ours.
It’s important to remember that our God is all about loving relationships. This is not merely what God does; this is how God is.
Our God is a loving and relational God, and He made us to be loving and relational people.
We are handmade and hard-wired for loving relationships.
Today, in our sin-infected and corrupted world, we have an even greater need for loving relationships.
✍️🌳Mrs. Kalaiselvi Balakrishnan in Jesus Christ 🌳✍️
Mark 10:51
“And answering him, Jesus said, ” What do you want Me to do for you? ” And the blind man said to Him, ” Rabboni, I want to regain my sight! “
✝️ Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who sat at the side of the road in Jericho to beg and earn his livelihood everyday. He had heard about Jesus and all the great miracles Jesus performed amongst the people. He was also aware that Jesus had also restored sight to the blind and so he too longed to see again.
✝️ So one day when he heard that Jesus was passing on the way in Jericho he felt that this was his opportunity to beg Jesus to heal him of his physical blindness. So with all his ♥️ heart he cried aloud to Jesus saying, ” Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. ” He knew that Jesus was the chosen Messiah of God and that He had come to save His people from their sins.
💫 Bartimaeus wanted to restart his life, so he threw away his cloak – leaving his old life behind forever and embracing new life when he received his eyesight back from Jesus. He accepted Jesus as His Saviour and followed Him.
💫 Brethren, let us be humble like Bartimaeus and cry out to Jesus to heal us from any spiritual blindness we are in and follow Jesus and accept Jesus as our only Saviour .Let us cast away the cloak ( our old self ) like the blind beggar and embrace a new life with Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. Amen.
6975 – Patsy Fernandes