Have you ever cried out to God feeling like God has abandoned you
Psalms 5:3 “How long, O LORD, will you wait to help me?”
Psalm 6 is in the form of a “Lament Psalm”.
King David is the author of this Psalm.
When David provoked God’s wrath, he became physically and emotionally worn out.
He seems to be in pain and discouraged
David was so discouraged that he could not sleep.
His bed was flooded with tears but He knew that God saw him and heard His prayers.
In the above verse, David is crying out to God for forgiveness and to intervene with mercy.
Have you ever cried out to God feeling like God has abandoned you, only to later realize that He was strengthening you?
I did………..
Certainly this applies to every believer who has ever lived, for all of us go through periods when we suffer both physically and emotionally in the trials of our lives.
Sometimes we turn to God, and we ask with David,
………… “But Thou, O LORD, how long?” ……………….
“How long, O Lord, how long?” is the cry of someone who has walked with more pain and sickness than he thought he could ever bear.
Apostle Paul said that there were times when his trials were beyond what he could bear and that he despaired even for life itself.
“It was in these difficult situations that he learned to trust the God of all comforts and depend on his strength.”
He then used these experiences to comfort and strengthen others who were facing difficult times in their lives.
In weakness that he learned to be strong.
We can do the same today.
When we face the trials, we can turn all of our fears and anxieties over to God and trust him for strength to overcome.
He will never let us down.
We may not get the results we want or think is best but God will always protect us and use whatever happens for our good.
So let’s realize today, ….. that without God we are nothing and we need Him in our life in all things and in every way.
Also.. Let’s submit ourselves to Him, so that He can make us strong in Him.
Jooley Mathew Z