The Divine Benefit Package in Christ Jesus

Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 134, 270 Days Bible Reading, Wednesday, 25.11.20. ✒

The Divine Benefit Package in Christ Jesus is the best gift that is available for us in this Lockdown… Psalm 103:1-7.

🙌🏽 Psalm 103 is a majestic thanksgiving Psalm that exalts the soul to breath-taking heights. I have heard it read during every birthday celebration and thanksgiving prayer meetings. It is known as the Psalm of Psalms for Thanksgiving, because of the Divine Package that is promised to us. It is a Messianic Psalm and the Cross of Christ has purchased for us these benefits.

🙌🏽 David burst into enthusiastic devotion in honour of Yahweh as he reflects the goodness of the Lord. In these pandemic lockdown restrictions, when we go through times of darkness, we should take time to have a break in our own rooms privately and praise Him with Thanksgiving until we are overwhelmed with joy. King David was expressing the emotion on this occasion because he knows what it is to go through dark times.

🙌🏽 Child of God, Remember this, human beings are forgetful creatures and can be ungrateful too. The Israelites forgot God and His benefits. God is reminding us through Psalm 103 that we should never forget what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. In these lockdown restrictions governments have come up with a lot of benefit packages. People are conscious about all the benefits that they are entitled to. All the products for employment, retirement insurance… come as packages. God has provided eternal life packages for us, and it was gift-wrapped in the Blood of Jesus.

🙌🏽 Take time in this lockdown and go through the benefit package from Psalms 103:3-5 and give thanks for each one of them until we are so overwhelmed with joy. Five marvellous “benefits” are listed here. How refreshing it is to the soul to recall and enjoy these blessings. They are expressed with the following verbs: “Forgives, Heals, Redeems, Crowns, and Satisfies.” Let us reflect upon these promises in this Lockdown, and be ever grateful and share it this Thanksgiving Day tomorrow and for Christmas Day with your family and friends… Amen. 🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer 🦌 Breaking the Chain with You… ⛓️

Psalm 100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.”

Psalm 100 is a call to worship.
No one knows the author of this Psalm, but it is called a “Psalm of Praise.”

The above verse calls upon us to give thanks to the Lord.

This Thursday, the United States of America will pause to give thanks to God on “Thanksgiving Day.”

Why is thanksgiving so important?

In the stressful and troubled world in which we live, it can seem difficult for us to find something to be thankful for.

When we listen to or read the news, it is mostly bad news that is reported.

We are in pandemic, crime, terrorism, tragedies, and disasters.
And the list of problems could go on and on.

It is not easy to be thankful in every circumstance.

But when we choose to thank God in the midst of difficulty, it defeats the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm.

Thanksgiving is a gift given to us by the good and loving nature of our heavenly Father.
In using the incredible gift of thanksgiving, we remind ourselves of how truly good our Father is.

In thanksgiving, we experience the joy of a proper perspective and have our hearts stirred by the renewing of our minds.

Our God is bigger and better than our circumstances, fears, wounds, misconceptions, and past failures.

Take time to give thanks to God.
Think about how HE sent Jesus to die for us.
*Think about how faithful He is and always will be.
Always be thankful to God in all circumstances for all of His blessings.

Jooley Mathew Z