Acts 8 – Becoming a Philip
❇️The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it” (v29)
❇️ When the Holy Spirit prompted Philip to go near the chariot he obeyed it promptly and hence he could catch the Ethiopian reading the book of Isaiah about Lord Jesus Christ.
❇️ Due to the prompt obedience of Philip the Ethiopian official accepted the Lord and this must have paved the way for the gospel to reach the nation of Ethiopia.
❇️ Philip promptly made use of an unexpected opportunity that came his way to share the Gospel to a stranger sitting in a chariot whose position could have easily intimidated him.
❇️ Had we been in Philip’s place many of us would have sought confirmation again from the Lord whether to share the Gospel to that official. It is said we should not pray(delay) when we should act or we should not act when we should pray This calls for an attitude known as “Thinking on our feet”
❇️ Philip was sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to act in line with 2 Tim.4:2 – Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season: correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instructions.
How about us?
Hindrances(H) we face in sharing the Gospel to the people in need at the right time and the solutions(S) to overcome are given below for us to try and become a Philip in sharing the Gospel.
▪️Fear of people (H) – Psa. 34:4, Acts 4:31 (S)
▪️Fear of rejection (H) – Lk.10:16, 1 Sam.8:7 (S)
▪️Lack of confidence (H) – 2 Cor.3: 5 -6, Jn.6:37 (S)
▪️Laziness (H)- Lk. 15:10 (S)
▪️Lack of staying power (H) – 2 Cor. 4:1, 15 -16 (S)
▪️Lack of boldness (H) – Acts 4:31 (S)
▪️Ignorance of the Word of God (H) – Jn.14:26, Heb. 8:10 (S)
✅ Insights learnt:
▪️Be a Philip in sharing the Gospel
Vellore 🙏🏽