God of Joseph is our God

Brothers of Joseph planned to kill him, threw him into a cistern and finally sold him to the Ishmaelites for just 20 shekels of silver out of jealousy. He was only 17 years when this happened. Gen.37:12-36.

Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potipher, one of Pharoah’s officials .He toiled as a slave for 11 years. He was very faithful to his God and to his master.

Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him many times but he refused to sin against God. Finally he was accused of trying to rape her.

Joseph was put in a prison for 2 years for not committing a crime. His God was with him in every situation. Because of him, God blessed Potiphar in everything and he was finally the Manager to Potiphar. God was with Joseph even in prison and was given responsibilities. God gave him the ability to interpret the dreams of others. (Gen.39:21 – 40:23)

The journey from the dungeon to the Palace of Pharaoh took only a short time The journey from a slave of Potiphar to the Governor of Egypt took only a short distance.

One day, Joseph, as usual was in the dungeon. Maybe he was wearing his old and torn clothes. It seems like he had long hair and beard. All on a sudden, the Pharoah of Egypt wanted his help. Gen.41:14. It took only few minutes for Joseph to get dressed up to meet the king.

Joseph never took credit for anything. When asked to interpret the dream of Pharaoh, Joseph’s reply was “I cannot do it” “but God will give Pharaoh the meaning of his dreams.” In a foreign land, infront of the king, Joseph was witnessing, who his God is and what His God can do. God of Joseph, helped him to give the right interpretation of the dream.

Now we can see what happened to the person who was sold as a slave, who was in a dungeon as a criminal. His God changed his destiny in minutes.

He was made in charge of the palace Gen. 41:40

  • He was put in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Gen.41:41,43.
  • Pharoah took his signet ring and put it on Joseph’s finger. 41:42.
  • Pharoh dressed him in robes. (maybe it was made for Pharaoh ) Pharaoh put a Gold chain around his neck. 41:42.(Maybe he was chained as a slave earlier.)

Pharaoh had him ride in a chariot.Gen.41:43( maybe, one of Kings best chariots)

Made as the second in command in the country. Gen.41:43.

Because of his faith in God, Joseph said No to Mrs.Potiphar..He was only a slave at that time. Now the King of Egypt searched and gave the best girl as Joseph’s wife. He got married as the Governor of Egypt.(Gen.42:6)

A small comparison.
What happened to Joseph and what His God did for him.

1.In Gen.37:23, Joseph’s brothers stripped him of his robe. In 41:42, Pharoh of Egypt dressed him in robes.

  1. In Gen.37:28, Ishmalites took him as a slave boy.Maybe he was walking all the way to Egypt without proper clothes(his robe was taken) sandals and proper food. In Gen.41;43, Pharoah had him ride in a chariot.
  2. His brothers plotted to kill him. Gen.37:18. In Gen.41:43, Pharoah put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt. Joseph never went after name ,fame ,facilities …but all those came after him. .”.Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Mt.6:33. Friends, are you going through painful, discouraging, disappointing experiences in your life? Are you ill treated by others for your faith? Never get discouraged. Remain faithful to God and serve Him with gladness. God of Joseph is our God too. Let us honor Him in any and every situation.HE can lift you up from where you are and take you to situations or give you designations which you never dreamt of.
