With doubting
Isaiah 5:8-23
We find Isaiah pronouncing a woe (curse) on 6 groups of people. Isaiah pronounces a curse on those who are greedy for land and wealth. Despite their increased land holdings, production would decrease significantly god’s judgement would strike the object of their greed
The 2 nd woe is upon those who spend their time in drinking and partying without any thought of God. The 3 rd woe is directed towards those who continue in their sin, challenging God to prove Himself to them.
The 4 th woe is on those who call evilgood, and good evil. The 5 th woe is aimed at those who are proud of their own cleverness and cut themselves off from God. They claim to be totally self sufficient, and they are really fools
The 6 th woe is on those who prevented justice by accepting bribes. The guilty are free while the innocent are condemned God hatesthese things and announces judgement
We see Isaiah pronouncing woe on himself. woe to me It was necessary for him as a prophet of God to get alone before God and see sin within himself. we should see the sin in our own flesh first. Isaiah said about his speech. Lord I am a man of unclean lips. 6:5Then one serephs took a coal from the altar with a pair of tongs and cleansed Isaiah’s lips immediately The sin which Isaiah confessed was immediately forgiven.
Jesus also used the word woe in Luke 6:24_26
Cynthia Sathiaraj
Isaiah 6 : 8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
The call for everyone one is different in life but everyone has a purpose and call first we have to know about it for knowing it,you must listen about it from the one who created you. The creator knows the use of the things he makes, better than any one else. So the call is for everyone who is ready to listen, listening takes a quite of skills.You cannot listen to voice of God, if your surrounded with voices of world, you must be quiet and still and wait patiently to listen to what God is saying to you. He still speaks to you, just turn off the volume around you, you will listen the clear and gentle voice has Isaiah heard.
With doubting;
When Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord, he didn’t doubt a moment he said here I am send me, he never knew which place but said send me he said without doubting the call. Too listen and too obey without doubting takes courage, its not easy to go place where the path you do not know for. God’s ways and thought are alway unknown to us but we know that wherever he takes us he leads, provides and strengthen us. As Isaiah said, here I am let us also listen to the small voice, he is still waiting for us to hearken unto his voice and respond to the calling and send us to places where God wants to use us for the things we are made for and to glorify his name.
Bieula Selvamani
Though I have been apart of earlier Bible reading groups.. this time the revelation of what God says in His word to us is wonderful. I keep looking forward for my time for Bible study.. there’s so much depth in every word in the Bible. I consider myself to be blessed to be part of this program. And wii continue to be a part in future Bible study too… God has been good to me to learn all the insights given by learned brothers and sisters in christ… I am able to follow God in a step by step manner. Glory to God✝️
VANAJA, Bangalore
Group No: 1231