Fight to finish

Jeremiah 48

❇️ A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work
A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed (v10)

❇️ The context here was Lord’s anger and judgement against Moab for its pride, arrogance and idol worship. Chaldeans were entrusted the work of destroying Moab which was considered as the Lord’s work.They were being cautioned against half-hearted work which would bring upon them a curse .

❇️ In our context too these words of God have relevance. We are called to a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God to stand our ground (Eph.6:12-13).

❇️ We can’t afford to fight the evil powers half-heartedly.The main weapon given to us is the word of God (sword) with which we need to saturate our mind in order to use them in this fight.This fight is the Lord’s work entrusted to us and we need to overcome the enemy.

❇️ Given below are examples of Bible verses as sword of God for our daily spiritual warfare

▪️To repent: 1 Jn.1:9, Ps.32:5
▪️To obey: Lk.11:28, Jn.14:15
▪️To forgive: Pro.19:11,Col.3:13, Mk.11:25
▪️For Peace: Rom.12:18, 14:19
▪️To humble: Mic.6:8, 1 Pet.5: 5
▪️To overcome fear: Ps.27:1, Heb.13: 5&6
▪️To overcome anxiety: Mat.6:25, Php.4:6
▪️To overcome depression: Ps.42:5&6
▪️To overcome suffering: Mat.11:28, 2 Cor.4:8&9, Heb.4:16
▪️To overcome doubt: Mat.21:22 Jam.1:6&7
▪️To overcome Temptation: 1Cor.10:13, Heb.2:18, 2 Cor.10:5
▪️To overcome lonliness: Ps.25:1&16, Mat. 28:20

❇️ Daily battles we face in our life are God given opportunities to glorify God by employing the word of God like our Lord to overcome the enemy.

❇️ Let us practice the use of God given weapon namely his word in small battles we face in our life everyday with faith(shield) and graduate to bigger spiritual battles to glorify God with zeal.

✅ Insights learnt:
▪️We have daily spiritual battles at hand in our life
▪️Word of God is the sword with us to fight the enemy
▪️Spiritual battles are to be fought without laxity
▪️Spiritual battles are opportunities to glorify God

Dr.E.Christadoss 🙏🏽

Take to Heart

🔸Give God the Credit: Moab was condemned for its pride. God cannot tolerate pride because pride is taking personal credit for what God has done. I naturally want to draw attention to myself, to show off my accomplishments and abilities. Sometimes I think that life is all about us. Paul’s testimony gives me the right perspective. In spite of his impressive credentials, he gladly surrendered to the supremacy of Jesus. I have to lay all of my trophies down.

Truth is: We are nothing without Jesus, so give Him the credit.
🔸God’s punishment: Edom was destroyed because of her pride. Pride destroys individuals and nations. The problem with pride is it’s self-deceiving. When I have a problem with pride, I don’t see it in my life.My unconfessed sin of pride brings God’s full punishment. It is useless to blame anyone else for my sin. I am accountable to God and must answer to Him for how I live. Truth is: Pride destroys relationships, but humility is the antidote to pride.

All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

Br.John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,