Restrictions of the lockdown by opening the doors of new possibilities by faith
Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 229, 270 Days Bible Reading, Monday, 28.2.21.
🍇 In this lockdown let the Still Waters of our Circumstances be Changed into a Life of Sparkling Wine of Joy in the Presence of Jesus… John 2:1-11.
The Waters at the Wedding in Cana was Sparkling and Blushing when the Molecular Structure changed from Water into Wine, John 2: 1-11. In the Glorious Presence of Jesus, in our trying lockdown, lives can become extraordinary. The molecular structure of our circumstances can change beyond our imagination when Jesus is in the Equation. Nothing is Impossible for God. Let us face the restrictions of the lockdown by opening the doors of new possibilities by faith in the new norm and close the door to fear, anxiety and doubts.
🍇 Before Jesus did any healing miracle, He did a creative miracle to display His creative power in creating the whole universe in the beginning. He is the Word that was there in the beginning and all things were created by Him, John 1:1-3. The Living Word was present at the wedding in Cana. He used stone jars that came from earth and His heavenly connection between heaven and earth that was present for the 6 days of creation was represented through the 6 stone jars. Six is man’s number, and man was created on the sixth day. Jesus arrived at Cana on the third day, John 2:1 and on the third day all plant life, including the grapevine, came forth, Genesis 1:9-13. On the third day God twice said “it was good,” Genesis 1:10 &13. The third day of a weeklong Jewish wedding was a good day for a creative miracle.
🍇 Child of God, Remember this, what Jesus did with ordinary water, which has a chemical formula of H2O, was so spectacular. He changed the molecular substance of water in split seconds into wine that contains sucrose, which has a chemical formula of C12 H22 O11. He increased the atoms in seconds. How much more can He change our circumstances instantly through His creative miracle working power? Faith is believing that anything and everything is possible with God.
🍇 In this lockdown let God transform us into a wine that is to be poured out as a drink offering, 2 Timothy 4:6, for the world that gets drunk on the world’s wine. Let God’s wine be poured out on our marriages, health and circumstances. Let the Presence of Jesus change our rituals into divine sacrifice. Jesus was outside the house doing His Ministry. He separated His Ministry with everything familiar to Him. He was not inside the house. He was with the empty, neglected jars outside. The jars became useful in the miracle. If we don’t go against His will, God will use anyone, who think they are not good enough, into useful vessels.
🍇 Nobody knew where the wine came from or asked about Jesus. They just enjoyed the wine and didn’t seek His presence. John’s Gospel speaks of the bridegroom and John’s Book of Revelation speaks of the bride. In the Jewish wedding the groom is responsible for providing the wine groom and that is why the master of ceremony asked the bridegroom about the tasty wine, John 2:10. The bridegroom and the bride drink wine together in a ceremony during their wedding feast. Jesus said He won’t be drinking the wine again until He returns to establish His Kingdom rule and His Bride the Church will be with Him, Matthew 26:29… Amen. 🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️