Examine ourselves to ascertain as to why we follow Jesus
John 6
Multitudes followed Jesus wherever He went, and on this occasion, moved with compassion, He miraculously fed, more than five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish on seeing the ‘mustard seed’ of faith shown by Andrew, and the ‘humble offering’ of the bread and fish by the lad, vs 1-13!
This encourages us not to despise the day and ways of small beginnings, whether it be in terms of our faith, time, talents and treasure, provided we are being led by the Lord to do only what we see Him doing! On seeing this amazing miracle performed right before their eyes, the people felt compelled to make Him their king, however, knowing that was not the will of God for Him, He withdrew again up the mountain side alone, vs 14,15!
Do we, just like Jesus, overcome the temptation to be given a position by people, which we very well know is not the will of God for us, for it will take us away from God’s plan for our lives, which is crucifixion, instead of enthronement, for the present, but which will eventually lead us to being enthroned with Christ for all eternity?
On meeting with the people once again, He exhorts them not to seek Him for food that perishes, but rather for the food that remains to eternal life, which He alone could give them, because He came not to do His own will, but the will of the Father who sent Him. However, believing in Him was the only way to receive this life, so they needed to come to Him in faith, and not just stop at searching the Scriptures alone in their quest to find answers!
He is the one who prays for us while we are in a storm and even comes alongside to help us overcome, however we can experience His power only when we recognise His presence and call on His Name for help. It is then that He not only teaches us how to calm the storm, but also teaches us how to walk on water, as per the will of the Father for that particular stormy situation, vs 16-40, 47-51.
Not all could understand these statements, for while He spoke from an eternal standpoint, their minds being closed, they took Him literally, and therefore, on completely missing the point, they turned away and left, *as this revelation of who Christ is, could only given to those whom the Father thought appropriate, vs 41-46,52-66!
Peter, however, spoke in the affirmative, for the few who remained, and to whom the Father had, indeed, revealed that Jesus was the Christ who had the words of eternal life, vs 67-69. Yet, even among those who remained, one was the devil, vs 70,71, who never left physically, but whose heart was bound by the love of money and not the love of the Father! Let us examine ourselves to ascertain as to why we follow Jesus. Is it for some miracles that we need or for food that perishes or for eternal life itself? And if we seek Him for eternal life, then do we only go to the Scriptures for the same, or do we go to Him, because the veil has been removed from our eyes?
And finally, when we go to Him, do we stay on with an ulterior motivation or do we stay on, no matter what the price to be paid is, because we experience Jesus alone to be the Christ who has the words of eternal life, and who gives us peace, joy and righteousness in the Holy Spirit, right in the midst of our trying circumstances, in such a way that we will never thirst again? Amen.
Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.