Jesus, the great I am “The Intercessor”

Blessed to be a Blessing to the Blessed People 👥

Jesus, the great I am “The Intercessor” (John Chapter 17)

Let us first explore today’s reading passage:
John 17 is the only Chapter in the Bible where the DEITY of the Son of God and the EQUALITY of the Son with the Father is revealed.

John 17 can be divided into three Sections:
1️⃣ Verse 1-5 # Christ and His Father (the key word is Glory)
2️⃣ Verse 6-19 # Christ and His Disciples (the key word is they might be kept/preserved)
3️⃣ Verse 20-26 # Christ and the Church (the key word is all might be ONE in Him)

John 17 contains four great doctrines:
1️⃣ Doctrine of Salvation v 1-5
2️⃣ Doctrine of Preservation v 11-16
3️⃣ Doctrine of Sanctification v 17-19
4️⃣ Doctrine of Glorification v 20-26

John 17 focus on three different kinds of Glory:
1️⃣ His Eternal Glory (which he had with the Father before the world began v 5)
2️⃣ His Acquired Glory (the glory in which we share v 22)
3️⃣ His Moral Glory (He prays that His people might see Him, at God’s right hand, glorified as before the creation of the world v 24)

Bible records Jesus’ Prayer life in all the Gospels but no where it is clearly mentioned about the content of his prayers. John 17 is a whole chapter devoted to the prayer of Jesus. It is sometime referred to as His High Priestly Prayer (Heb 4:14– 5:10)

Jesus’ prayer can be set up into three sections.
1️⃣ For God’s Glory (v 1–5). Jesus practices to what he preached. When He was asked to teach his disciples to pray , Jesus instructed them that their first petition should be ” Hallowed be Your name “. Here in this passage, Jesus began his prayer by praying that the end of his life on earth should glorify God (v 1) . Jesus prays for mutual glorification of the Father and the Son so that eternal life will become available to those who believe .

2️⃣ For Disciples’ Protection and Consecration (v 6–19)
After praying for God’s Glory, Jesus prays for the disciples who are with him .
🙏 For divine protection while in the world (v11–12a) .
🙏 For consecration to serve the Lord (v 17, 19).
Believers are called to live a consecrated life while living fully involved in witnessing to all people in the power of Holy Spirit

3️⃣ For oneness in God’s Mission (v 20–26) In this last section of prayer, the focus is on the countless future generations of believers so that they would live in unity.

🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Believers in Christ,
📌 The unity among the disciples on earth must reflect the unity of a Triune God.
📌 The disciples abiding in Christ must bear fruit in love (John 15:16-17)
📌 Our unity would bring glory to God.
📌 How blessed are we to worship the ONE who prayed for us and still advocating to the Father on our behalf.

Glory to God 🙌
Arunachal Pradesh, India 🇮🇳