God can Release the Resurrection Glory In this COVID Crisis
God can Release the Resurrection Glory In this COVID Crisis, when we surrender our Dead Situations in His Presence….Numbers 17:1-12
🌱After the Red Sea for me, the most spectacular miracle, is the miracle of Aaron’s Rod budding. Inspite of God’s Stamp of Approval to the Unquestionable Leadership Role of Aaron and Moses the Israelites continued to rebel against their authority and leadership. In Numbers 17:1-12, the Israelites were disappointed and dissatisfied with Aaron’s Priesthood and Leadership. God wanted to permanently seal the question of the Moses’s Leadership and the High Priesthood and the Preeminence of Aaron.
🌱When the Priesthood is constantly being challenged, there will be disruption to function effectively as a Priest. Listening to non stop murmuring and complaining can contaminate one’s faith. God wanted to put an end to the constant murmurings of the Israelites regarding the Leadership of Aaron and Moses
🌱God asked the staff of the leaders of the 12 tribes to be placed in front of the Ark overnight, and the staff that brought forth fruit that belonged to its leader, would be the undisputed leader, Numbers 17:5.
🌱Aaron did not exalt himself, he was not above the rest. His rod like the rest of the rod from each of the tribe, had to be placed before the Ark. This will show that his rod was not better than the rest, and to show that, his power, his holiness, his honour, they do not come from anything inherent in himself. So, in Aaron himself was no more power or goodness than in the rest of Israel.
🌱Aaron’s stick that was dead, cut off from it’s parent tree had come alive in the Presence of the Lord, with buds, flowers and the ripe fruit of the Almonds. As I am writing this I am drinking my almond milk as almond nuts are known for its natural energy giving properties. The Supernatural Energy from the Power of God’s Presence in front of the Ark, Turned a Dead Barren Stick, into a fruitful stick, through short circuiting and accelerating the Natural Laws.
🌱The Almond Tree is the first one to flower in the spring season and because of this The Hebrew meaning of Almond means “;waking tree or waking fruit” The first tree to wake up in the season! The speed in which the tree goes from bud to fruit is the speed in which God watches over His Word to Perform to fulfill His Purposes with certainty, Jeremiah 1:11-12.
🌱Dear Child of God, Whatever situation we are facing which looks dead, can be Resurrected by the Power of God’s Presence and His Anointing, when we without murmuring, leave it in the Hands of the Resurrected Lord, who became a our High Priest. Let God Release the Resurrection Glory over our dead Covid situation by faith and believe and we will see the Glory of God, to flourish us in our Lockdown, John 11:40. We can be fruitful and useful in this Pandemic.
🌱Nothing is Impossible for God in this life threatening Covid Situation. One night in the Presence of God can bring farvour in the morning. When everything looks dead as a dead stick, God can resurrect and bring life and hope in this Pandemic. We can be fruitful and useful in this Pandemic Lockdown….Amen🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️