Let’s become God’s Thirsty Deer in this Lockdown and Drink from the Word of God
Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 125, 270 Days Bible Reading, Monday, 16.11.20. ✒
Let’s become God’s Thirsty Deer in this Lockdown and Drink from the Word of God… Psalm 42:1.
🦌 The Thirsty Deer in Psalm 42 and the Pregnant Mountain Goat in Job 39:1-4, are the two animals that has taught me so much in my spiritual walk and I never fail to mention them again and again in every round of the Bible Reading from 120-270 Days, because I become thirstier to learn God’s Truth from them, and more so in this lockdown. This Psalm has become my signature Psalm and ‘thirsty deer my pen name.’ It is never too late to add your friends and family to the 270 Bible Reading Groups.
🦌 Thirst for God should come Naturally from our Soul. A Soul that Waits Thirst! A deer does not undergo training to pant or thirst. It comes Naturally for the Deer. Likewise, those who have Deep Relationship with God will Naturally Long and Thirst for God. Generally, a deer methodically laps up just enough water to satisfy its thirst. Indeed, a deer gets its major amount of the water it needs from the food. The deer only use other water sources to supplement. The deer does not drink muddy water; only clean water.
🦌 The panting thirsty deer in Psalm 42:1-2 is a deer running from its predator, looking for clean water. While it is running for its life, it comes across undrinkable muddy water and is determined at all cost and single-minded to get some clean water to quench its thirst. Once by waters, the deer’s scent is absorbed by the surrounding waters and the predator loses track of its prey. Satan can’t get our smell when we are Constantly Drinking the Living Water of God’s Word and Immersed in the Water of God’s Word. Drink the Word, Speak the Word and Soak in the Word so that no corona can chase us forever.
🦌 Psalm 42:1-2 is a gratitude song written by the sons of Korah because they were in the House of Lord and not in the Pit, Numbers 16:33. The earth did not swallow them up when Korah, the Levite, led an insurrection and rebellion against Moses and Aaron, Numbers 16:1-50. The Sons of Korah were not punished along with the Rebellious Korah, and their family line was not cut off, and their inheritance remained intact, Numbers 26:9-11. The Korahites, besides serving in the Tabernacle and the Temple, were also celebrated musicians and singers; see 1 Chronicles 6:16-33. God raises up people when they are least looked for. The Descendants of a Rebellious Father has their thirst quenched in the Sanctuary with a prominent position in the Levitical Family. They were the spared ones who experienced the Sovereign Grace of God and the distinguishing favour of God. They became so filled with Gratitude that they Dedicated themselves to the Glory of God through their Sacred Music.
🦌 Though David is not mentioned in this Psalm, this must be an Offspring of his Pen. Isn’t this the picture of David running away from King Saul who hunts him down from cave to cave, cut off from his Temple of Worship and Fellowship, sensing at times where His God was as David Thirsts and Pants for God? While waiting for the Restoration of His Kingship, David often encouraged himself in the Lord, 1 Samuel 30:6.
Instead of murmuring about his people, complaining about his failures, accusing his adversaries, he is seen Panting only after his God. He is banished from the Sanctuary, the Place of God’s nearest presence, and he cannot enjoy the Beauty of His Holiness, and all other places seem to him but as the Tents of Kedar, Psalm 120:5. David thinks himself banished from his God, as it is in the following words, *When shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2. He has such strong longing to visit the Temple and his Soul is so consumed with going to the Courts of God. His Thirst for God was Greater than all the Dangers he was facing.
🦌 Dear Child of God, Remember this, we who have been rescued from going down into the pit, for the good pleasure of Yahweh, can heartily join in Psalm 42, which show forth the Praises of our God and the Pantings of our Hearts after Him. Do we really long for fellowship with God because we are really thirsty? Or do we just take a sip of water as we pass by out of habit, rather than because we are really thirsty? Let us answer the call of our Lord Jesus Christ, Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me and drink, John 7:32. Let us come and find our thirst relieved as we drink from the well that will never leave us thirsty again and be refreshed in this lockdown… Amen. 🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer 🦌 Breaking the Chain with You… ⛓️