Take to heart
🔸Time Flies – When we were children, time moved slowly. But as we get closer to the end of our lives, time moves with increasing speed. It’s good to ponder the shortness of life now and then. Life is too short to treat it carelessly.
To make the most of my earthly life, I must lose myself in the will of God. This we can do even when time is running out. It’s never too late to give ourselves totally to God. Truth is: Don’t just count your days, make your days count.
🔸Divine help – Often, I face certain situations that cannot be solved by human help and requires divine assistance. When that happens, I find the help and protection of Almighty God. Psalm 91:1 reminds me that God is my “shelter” and that I can rest in His shadow. I need God’s protection and comfort during this time.
Truth is: We need not fear when we abide under the shadow of God’s wings.
🔸Keep Going For God! I must stay active in my walk with God. Each of us has a responsibility to God, as long as He gives us physical and mental strength, to work heartily “as to the Lord”. We are never called to retire from life. The psalmist said that the righteous “shall still bear fruit in old age”. Let’s make sure old age doesn’t stop us from bearing fruit. We need to keep going for God.
Truth is: To stay youthful, stay useful.
All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.
Br.John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,
Psalm 95:8&9
“Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did.”
The Israelites saw the work of God, yet they didn’t trust Him at Meribah or in the wilderness.
God warns us not to do the same. He is giving us a word of warning that if we want to worship God, we need to make sure that we do not harden our heart against God’s Word or test him, as the Israelites did.
As a warning against unbelief, it is said three times in Hebrews chapters 3:7, 3:15 and 4:7 that, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.”
There are ways in which we harden our hearts. We harden our hearts by delaying a real relationship with God, by pretending doubts and criticism, by getting into evil company, by focusing on silly amusements and by indulging in a favorite sin.
As we read our Bible, spend time with God, repent of our sins, we are born again as a new creation and are free from our sins.
As we walk free from our sins, it will no longer be able to harden our hearts!!!
Licy John, Hyderabad – 7067