A living sacrifice! Romans 12:1
This is one of my favourite verses and my daughter keeps on reminding me a about it whenever we come across it during family prayer or Bible studies.
A simple Analysis of this verse helped me to understand A Living Sacrifice
Paul urges us to be a Living Sacrifice
Why a Living Sacrifice❓
The verse itself says that it is our Reasonable Service.
How is it possible to be a Living Sacrifice on this earth❓
Only by the Mercies of God
His Grace is sufficient for us.Not by our own effort.
What does it mean to be a Living Sacrifice❓
🍁To present ourselves Holy and Blameless.
🍁 Not to be conformed to the ways of this World
🍁 Renewing our minds
🍁fulfill His perfect will
God help me to be a Living Sacrifice through your mercy