Obedience to the faith is very important to God

Romans 16:19: Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.

Romans 16:17–23 includes last-minute instruction from Paul and greetings to those in Rome.

Before closing the letter, Paul urgently warns his readers to be on the watch for false teachers; to avoid them.

These people do not serve Christ and will deceive the naive with their distorted version of Christian truth, thus dividing the church.
Paul sends greetings from Timothy, his longtime partner and student in ministry.

In the above verse we see that Paul commended the Roman church for their “obedience” to the faith.
Paul was glad that the Roman church stood solid in the truth of the Word of God.

The Greek word for obedience pictures one who listens and submits to that which is heard.

The obedience of the Romans was wonderful news to Paul, because it was an indicator that their faith was genuine.

Obedience to the faith is very important to God.

God saves us by faith, not by works;

Faith is an essential part of our religious life.
Without faith it is impossible to please God and any spiritual change cannot occur. So, faith is a very important factor in our life of faith.

The Bible defines perfect faith as “faith accompanied by action,”.

Here, action means obedience to God’s word. Faith can be measured through obedience. Obedience is the visible expression of invisible faith.

Faith and obedience are inseparable, and faith can be proven through obedience.
If a man is confident in his faith but disobeys God’s word, he cannot be said to have faith.

Have faith in God, and then obey, obey, obey, and keep on obeying, until the Lord shall call you home.

Jooley Mathew Z

Rom 16:17-18 Watch out for those contrary to the teaching you have learned Keep away from them,.. For such people are not serving our lord Jesus Christ but their own appetites, By smooth talk and flattery they deceive

Paul gives a strong warning to the church in Rome to be alert to all those who corrupt the teaching of Paul and other apostles They have to watch our for false doctrine and keep away from them and their ministry Their false teachers are eloquent orators flattering and deceiving. Their speech is motivated by selfish desires.

Cynthia Sathiaraj