He raises the poor from the dust
1 Samuel 2:7 “He brings low and lifts up.“He raises the poor from the dust”.
In chapter 2, the first 10 verses, we read Hanna’s song of praise to the Lord for answering her petition.
Hannah’s song is more than a personal prayer of thanksgiving.
Hannah had been barren the majority of her life.
Her husband’s other wife though, had no problem bearing children.
She would use this against Hannah and provoke her to tears.
This would go on year after year.
Desperate for a child and unable to conceive, she was in deep sorrow and felt so inferior to Peninnah, Elkanah’s other wife, who had borne him children.
Year after year Peninnah was cruelly making fun of her pain and suffering.
But, Do you know how Hannah would have reacted to Peninnah?
She accepted her unpleasant situation and in her deep anguish, she poured her heart out to God.
Finally, God decided to answer the prayers of Hannah and give her a child.
Do we struggle with a lack of self-worth or feelings of inferiority?
We may feel low and worthless, in a painful reality of life.
But remember my dears, God has a strong wish to bring His love and comfort, as soothing balm to a raw wound.
But ………it depends upon the way we handle that aching sense of worthlessness.
Our fallen nature may lead us to isolation or to blame God, or even give up on Him altogether.
Even in this moment as we struggle, we can lift our eyes to the God who loves us.
We can lift our face to see Him in the dark, lift our voice to call out to Him for help.
He is tender to our struggle.
He is ready to respond to the need.
Jooley Mathew Z