The choice Ruth made-she stayed true to family

The story of Ruth tells of a kind and loyal woman who had every reason to stay in her homeland Moab. But she didnt’t.
Ten years earlier her husband’s family had migrated to her country Moab to escape famine in Israel. Now all the three men in the family were dead. Suddenly Ruth was a widow along with her Moabite sis in law Orpah and Israelite mother in law Naomi.

Naomi decided to return home to Israel Orpah decided to stay home.But Ruth decided to stick with Naomi, making the promise to Naomi where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God..May the lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death seperates you and me 1:16_17.

Ruth took the right choice and that made all the difference for all eternity we never hear Orpah again But Ruth took a firm decision and she did not have no regret she found the true God Ruth who came from a heathen background is a challenge for all of us. She loved her mother in law and looked after her very well. Ruth bound herself to care for Naomi until death.God rewarded her.

Ruth became an ancestor to Jesus who was born in the line of David, Ruth’s great grandson.

Through sacrificial faithfulness to her family, Ruth experienced God’ s blessing

Cynthia Sathiaraj