Walking with God

Dear Friends,

Today we have started our 270 days journey with God and his Word. Glad that you are also part of this journey. A special welcome.

It is not a sprint race competition where the aim is to reach the finishing point at the earliest. It is a walk with God, where God talking to us through His Word, and we are talking to Him in prayer and obeying Him in action.

We never gets bored while talking to our closest friend. We keep on talking, sharing or discussing and after the talk, we tend to remember most of the conversation we had. Enjoying the talk or getting bored with the discussion depends on the relationship with the other person. The seriousness of our Bible reading and study depends on the seriousness of our relationship with Jesus Christ. We keep discussing about the matter with our close friend till we understand it fully. Similarly we need to read a portion again and again till we understand it fully.

Asking questions like who, what, where, when, why,.. to a portion help us to observe the passage well or to understand what the passage says. Then let us ask what does it mean or what the original author or speaker meant or what the original listener or reader understood. Afterwards let us ask what does it mean to me? Otherwise what can I learn from this passage or how can I apply this in my life? This application part is very important in our study of Bible.

When we visit a new place, people like to take photos or videos and like to share that with friends and relatives. After attending any event, we like to share with others about what we saw, heard or understood. If we take a child to a new place, he or she will be very excited to share what he or she saw or experienced. Similarly in our Bible reading programme, let us share what we understood from the portion in our groups. To start with it could be even 2-3 sentences. Are we proud or ashamed to share from God’s Word? When different people share different insights, it will encourage one another and we will be able to learn more about that Bible portion.

After spending time with our close friend, we remember his or her words. How much of God’s Word do we remember? Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Daily selecting some important verses, from the Bible portion for the day, writing it down in a piece of paper with reference, carrying it around and memorizing that is a good spiritual exercise. Reciting it with others will encourage others also to do that. Let our mind and heart be filled with God and His Word. Let God’s word comes out from us in our thinking, in our prayer and in our discussions.

Are we selfish or loving? Selfish people want everything for themselves and never want to share that with others. We have joined this programme and are enjoying it. How about our friends, relatives, neighbours, church people or people whom we know in far off places? Let us share the self joining link of the group to our contacts and invite them to join the Bible reading programme. Let us do it today. You can even come forward to serve as a group coordinator or as an admin in a new WhatsApp group to invite all your dear ones.

Let us continue to pray for one another. May this walk with God and His Word, help us to know Him better, to obey Him better and to serve Him better.
