Abigail – A Woman Who Shows the Way for Change

Abigail…A Woman Who Shows the Way for Change in this Lockdown when Leadership is in Crisis to turn from Extreme Foolishness to Exemplary Wisdom…1Samuel 25:1-42

👩In this Lockdown when there is leadership Crisis in every sphere and domain, from the home front to the palace, we could all learn something from Abigail who had both beauty and brains, and used her godly wisdom to avert a major crisis. The bigger virus than the corona virus is the virus of foolishness and Nabal was loaded with it.

👩Abigail is comprised of the two Hebrew words  Avi and gil which translate respectively as father and happiness Together, it translates as father of happiness In English it is translated as Whose father is Joy Interestingly, Nabal In Hebrew means Fool, Senseless

Imagine a person of joy living with someone who is both foolish and arrogant, and being lockdown for a season with that kind of a person?

Joy is an inward disposition inspite of the outward circumstances. Whearas happiness is dependent on the external factors. Abigail was joyful as her name suggests even when her husband was a fool by nature.

👩For a New Testament Believer, Joy is the Fruit of the Spirit. When we Abide in the Vine, our Joy will be complete in Christ, John 15:11. Joy is the result of knowing something. When we know that all trials are designed to make us and mature us, it will produce Joy, James 1:2-4.

In this Lockdown how can a we who are Wise with Joy live with a those who are Foolish with Arrogance, especially in Crisis Management?

👩Abigail acted wisely and swiftly, upon the foolish action immediately Samuel 25:14-17. Abigail with her awesome dynamic leadership qualities as a homemaker, rose up with wisdom to take charge of a volatile situation and averted a major tragedy and saved her husband and her household

👩My Dear Child of God, Remember this, in this Lockdown, when someone rubs you the wrong way or ruffles your feathers, you can either Respond, React or be Rude. Abigail raced quickly to bring a peaceful end when she was thrust with a crisis, and in the long run, it brought special favour to her when she became David’s wife, 1 Samuel 25:42.

What are the Life Lessons we can learn from Abigail in this lockdown to bring peace in an hostile situation? It is amazing that I am writing this when Israel has signed a peace treaty with some of her Arab neighbours, yesterday

  1. Abigail was ready to receive instructions from her workers.
    👩 1 Samuel 25:17: Now Think it over and see what you can do… this is what the servant requested Abigail to do to avoid a disaster that was looming over them. Her husband’s men, recognized her ability and capability. She was everything her husband was not. She is the crystal water that quenches the foolish fire! When we operate in the Wisdom of the Lord as a Lifestyle, the World will seek us in a crisis situation
  2. Abigail acted immediately
    👩 1 Samuel 25:18: Abigail lost no time She set out her action plans immediately. She was quick, sharp, alert, decisive, ready to go, got the ball rolling. She had no time to go to the phone, call her prayer partners, fast and pray, which is all extremely important but there times when you got no time for these things. We got to abide in the word and be word minded so that the Holy Spirit can throw light in our dark moments. Instead of pressing the panic button, release the joy button knowing that the Lord will fight your battle, 2 Chronicles 20:17
  3. Abigail was an Instrument of Peace in a Volatile and Hostile Situation
    👩 1 Samuel 25:18: Abigail took enough supplies for David and his men, to feed all of them. The quantity was sufficient to go around. She had the presence of mind to prepare enough food for all. She was meticulous in every detail. She understood the gravity of the situation and acted wisely. The whole crisis started out because of food. And the solution was also food. She is an expert in conflict management and conflict resolution. A Peace Ambassador to prevent war crimes. She was so practical and grounded.
  4. Abigail went into partnership with the skills and talents of others to save people from calamities
    👩 1 Samuel 25:19: Abigail gave instructions to her servants to go ahead and that she would follow them. She did not venture out to meet David on her own. There was a coordinated team effort to bring peaceful end to the explosive situation. She listened to her servants, got them involved and was ready to follow them into the terrains. A leader should also know how to lead from behind. She had listening ears and a open heart which are great qualities in leadership. It was not a one man or a one woman show. She used timely help from those around her.
  5. Abigail was Selectively Silent about her Strategy to save lives.
    👩 1Samuel 25:19: She did not tell her husband. No matter how foolish her husband was she was not prepared to see him Dead! She so much wanted to save him and his household. This is a rare moment with any stretch of the imagination. She wanted to be right and do right even in the most trying situation.
  6. Abigail shows us the example of choosing our words in messy situation.
    👩 1 Samuel 25: 24: She fell at his feet and said My Lord… Actions speaks louder than words. She honoured David by calling him Lord. Abigail grasped the setting with her cool, calm and collected attitude. Words from the lips of the wise are like rare jewels, Proverbs 20:15
  7. Abigail used Forgiveness to open the door to the Farvour of God
    👩 1 Samuel 25:28: “Please Forgive your servant’s offence” Abigail on behalf of her foolish husband takes the blame1Samuel 25:24 and asked for forgiveness in 1Samuel 25:28. Abigail Averts bloodshed with David’s hand by reminding him of God’s Goodness and his Anointing to be the King over Israel, 1Samuel 25:30.

The big take away from Abigail’s lifestyle is that she Responded to Situations, David Reacted and Nabal was Rude. We too have a choice when are faced with a conflict situation especially in this lockdown challenges to be a rare jewel like Abigail…Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌
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