Cost of Obedience to God’s Call
Prophet Jeremiah(628 BC -586 BC) was called by God and appointed to preach to the people of Judah. For his preaching, Jeremiah was persecuted by people, priests, prophets, kings…he was imprisoned on many occasions , many plot to kill him.. Physical, emotional, spiritual, social,…agony.
Jeremiah’s complaint to God. Jer.20:7-10.
A. Against God.
- You deceived me and I am deceived. ( By calling him and giving this difficult task.) Jer. 20:7.
- You overpowered me and prevailed. Jer. 20:7.
B. Against what he received from people.
His recent experience of what happened in Jer.20:1,2 is fresh in his mind.
- I am ridiculed all day long. Jer.20:7.
- Everyone mocks me. Jer.20:7.
- I am insulted and reproached all day long. Jer.20:8.
- I hear many whispering “Let us report him.” Jer.20:10
- All my friends plotting to take revenge. Jer.20:10.
C. Situation when he tried to keep quiet.
If I say, “I will not mention Him or speak anymore in His Name.” Jer.20:9.
- His word is in my heart like a fire.🔥 Jer.20;9
- a fire shut up in my bones. Jer.20:9.
- I cannot hold it in. Jer.20:9.
He cannot but speak for the Lord.
D. Jeremiah’s confidence in God. Jer.20:11,12.
a. But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. Jer. 20:11.
God’s might and awe was a greater fact than his pain, humiliation, rejection and beatings. God becomes greater and his misery becomes smaller.
b. My persecutors will stumble and not prevail… 20:11.
The mighty God would work for and protect His faithful servant. Jeremiah realize that God was his shield and his great reward.
c. Let me see your vengeance upon them Jer.20:12.
God will punish all the wicked people. Jeremiah is going to see that with his own eyes.
Though he tried to avoid , he was forced to proclaim God’s message. He didn’t had an option but to obey.
As a Christian or as a servant of the Lord, have you gone through the experiences of Jeremiah? Any occasions in which you thought of giving up?
When I went through problems, difficulties, oppositions, threats, ridicule, insults…there were occasions in which I asked Why Lord? Not only from outsiders, even relatives, friends or Church people….as many of them can’t tolerate our words and actions.
Are you facing problems in following the Lord or in serving Him?
Do you know any sincere Christian or sincere servant of the Lord who never faced any problems?
Are we willing to be ill- treated, ridiculed, insulted, persecuted… for the Lord?