What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

In Luke 9:23 : “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me”.

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
A disciple is a person who listens to what Jesus says and seeks to put his teachings into practice, modeling their life after him.

In this verse Jesus warns his disciples that Discipleship is not easy. It involves self denial.

Discipleship is hard, but Jesus calls all of us to be true disciples.

Discipleship is on God’s terms, “winning by losing”, which involves self-denial, cross-bearing, and loyal obedience.

It needs a lot of sacrifice on one’s part.
We have to modify our plans, actions and attitude towards life.

Our goals and priorities will change.
Also our approach to problems in life will change.

Taking up your cross is a choice.

Many people think that our “cross” is our troubles, sickness and failures.
However, *a cross is not something that is forced upon us.

A cross is something we willingly take up.

Jesus willingly laid down His life.

He calls us to do the same.

There is no Christianity without a cross.
If we are waiting for a relationship with God that never requires suffering or inconvenience, then we cannot use Christ as our model.

God’s will for us involves a cross.
So.. First, take up our cross, then follow Him.

Jooley Mathew

Luke 9:24 Who ever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it

If we choose to live your own way ,you have stopped following Jesus,If our goal in life is to be happy by following the pleasures of the world ,we will be disappointed

But if we renounce our own ways, and live in fellowship with Jesus, living according to His word, we will find true joy.

Cynthia Sathiaraj