Song of Songs is a lyric poem in dialogue form

Here the drama is dealing with three characters; .
Solomon, a simple country shepherd, and the young maiden (The young maiden is often called the Shulamite)

The idea is that Solomon one day traveled through his kingdom and saw the young maiden and was captivated by her beauty.

Though she was betrothed to the simple shepherd, Solomon brought her back to his palace and tried to win her affection with all lavish gifts and loving words.

Though her resolve wavered, just before she gave in to Solomon’s attention and affection, she fled his palace and went back to her simple shepherd, her true love.

But remember…..
…. Song of Solomon is a finger pointing to a level of love that we will experience with Jesus if we never experience it with another human being.

Jesus loves us! He loves us with the depth of purity; He loves us in intimate, personal moments that you can’t stretch the human language to its furthest elasticity to capture.

He loves us! He loves us! He loves us! And God cares that we would know that we are loved, and we’re loved with a pure and faithful love, the love of Jesus.

Song of Solomon is a finger pointing to that love!

In Chapter 5: 3, we read it like this… “I have taken off my robe; How can I put it on again? I have washed my feet; How can I defile them?”

This is the scenario for us in the church today.
It shows the passion and the love that is shared between Jesus and His church, and how much He truly loves and cares for us.

The Bride is sleeping; The bridegroom knocks, asking for the bride to open, even calling her, “my undefiled” (5:2).

So as Christians are asleep in their actions and in their lifestyles. Jesus knocks at the door, strongly wishing to have a relationship with us that is both intimate and personal.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus is standing outside of the house, knocking on the door?

Jesus will not force Himself into the house; he waits for our permission to enter.

The 3rd verse shows that the bride was not so comfortable to open the door, telling that “ how can I…….? “ how can I……???

but then she did it so slowly and reluctantly, making excuses all along the way.
She was in a comfortable zone and doesn’t want to come out from there.

Are we also in that attitude?

Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

If Jesus is standing outside and knocking the door of our heart,………
………. won’t you come out from your comfort zone and open your heart to Him today?

Jooley Mathew Z