He heard the pleadings of a microscopic piece of His creation
I have been wanting to say how my Jehovah Rapha stood by me through the period I spent in hospital with COVID. It was like solitary confinement. Fever and discomfort together with loneliness made the first day quite difficult. I poured out my heart, almost like in Psalm77 to the Lord. He told me that He would strengthen me provided I listen to Him.
So from day 2 of my stay in hospital I took to studying the Word of God. Listening to good messages and testimonies and since we were doing Psalms during that period everyday became brighter and inspite of difficulties I developed a positive attitude to life Psalm 91 was studied read and reread till each word sank into the depths of my being.
Psalms 90, 121…I knew from memory became subjects of my meditation. So, even though I heard even my students, 2 of them became victims to this virus…I remained strong… I reminded Jesus that He had given me a mission to fulfill, to look after my husband who is a heart patient.
Now I worship this awesome God of ours with greater fear and love for He heard the pleadings of a microscopic piece of His creation…me even me. He kept me safe and protected my family from this pestilence.
I praise His Name with every breath I take…His oxygen given free of charge. He is Great. He is Awesome.
He is worthy of our Worship.
Mary Mathew
Palm court