Tagged: Ezekiel 44-48

Jehovah – Shammah 💫✨

📖*The city [of Jerusalem] will be in the center of it…. the temple sanctuary will be in the center….And the name of the city from that time on will be: “The Lord is there”...

Waters covering the Sea

The Tabernacle, Solomon’s Temple, and even this Ideal Temple in Ezekiel all had one problem… There was a limit to how close you could get to God.Most of us host friends & “outsiders” in...

Ezekiel Vision

The message of Ezekiel echoes through the centuries and finds a welcome home in the heart of this woman whose chief desires in life are to obey God and to proclaim the Word of...

Ezekiel 44

No one was permitted to enter through the outer gate of the sanctuary which faced east, it had to remain shut, for the God of Israel had entered by it, vs 1,2. Only the...