Love Praise is the Most Powerful Spiritual Weapon we have

Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 99, 270 Days Bible Reading, Wednesday, 21.10.20.✒

Love Praise is the Most Powerful Spiritual Weapon we have against the Corona Virus… 2 Chronicles 20:21

🔇In this three tier lockdown where I am, or in a triple lockdown where you are, let us be encouraged by reading 2Chronicles 20:1-30, and learn how King Jehoshaphat overcame a triple army’s plot to defeat Israel. He had an amazing military victory doing battle God’s way. No one knows at the moment what to do with an unseen enemy called corona virus, which is causing internal conflicts among authorities because of the conflicting ideas each one brings to the table. Let us learn to turn to God and look to Him for an answer, through our prayers and praise for His wisdom to flow through every authority and leadership in every domain. Let us like Jehoshaphat, cry out to God, 2Chronicles 20:3-12

🔇We are only a gamechanger when we change the game. We make the enemy play the game that we want to play. That is what heroes do. That is what warriors do. That is what overcomers do. They don’t play the same game as the enemy. We play the game that God tells us to play. That was what Jehoshaphat did when he was faced with a massive triple force army!

🔇Judah had to face the three impossible army, 2 Chronicles 20:1. King Jehoshaphat took the most unusual steps for man of his stature that gave him an unusual victory!

🔇His first battle strategy was to seek God. He knew he was not battle ready. He humbled himself before God. He was not reckless. His position as a King, did not stand in the way through pride and arrogance. He admitted his inability to fight in his strength before his men, 2Chronicles 20:4-5. He executed God’s plan after seeking Him.

What was their divine strategic battle cry?

🎼Give thanks to the Lord, for His Love endures forever..2 Chronicles 20:21🗡️

🔇To the World it will sound ridiculous to know that a Choir can do the Battle of Victory. But, we need to do the Ridiculous to experience the Miraculous. Our part in this equation is to open our mouths and sing! We can’t just sing any song. We have to sing Word based song of Love Praise. We got to sing in unity and joy with all our strength as God defeats the enemies.

🔇What army can stand against the power of enduring love? Not one, because love cannot fail,1Corinthians 13:8. In the midst of fear, they released Love, because, Perfect Love Casts out Fear, 1 John 4:18. In 2 Chronicles 20:15, Judah was told not to fear or be discouraged and that God was going to fight the battle for them. God’s Love that never Fails will also meltdown every Fear.

🔇To meltdown the fear, we have to release the love of God. Release the Love of God from your door steps, balconies and windows, with a sound or a whisper of Give thanks to the Lord, for His Love endures forever over the corona virus pandemic, and let Love flow over your home, street and city like the tribe of Judah sang in 2 Chronicles 20:21. Our whispers will become a shout

🔇We touch Heaven when we sing and give thanks with a Grateful Heart on purpose. The enemy’s plans and progress are arrested when we are in the Presence of the Lord. When we Praise Him for All what He has Done, we will experience all that He is. God fought for Judah when they chose to Praise Him. God was Magnified as they Sang and the enemies are thrown into confusion and chaos and they destroyed themselves, 2Chroicles 20:22-23.

🔇Child of God, We need to change the environment of turmoil, discord, strife, tension, which is the breeding ground for the devil. Rout him with your Praises to the King. The Enemy flees in the Presence of Love and Praise. When We Release Love, We are Releasing God into our situation and He will then do the Battle for us against the Corona virus in the supernatural.

🔇There is such power in praise. I believe that when we sing God’s Word, we will make the enemy shake and tremble with fear. I am using this strategy in my life every time I don’t know what to do in this corona crisis. I have to simply Praise my way out Trusting God’s Love to Endure Forever Over my crisis situations and that is why I am encouraging everyone to do the Battle Cry with the Love Praise.

🔇The Word God will work when
it is put to work. If the Love Praise worked for Jehoshaphat, how much more will it work for those Redeemed by His Love? Let God’s Love Endure Forever in this Triple Lockdown and break the chain of the corona virus forever… Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️