Looked carefully at your objects of worship

For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To An Unknown God.(Acts 17:23)

If the Lord Jesus walked around and looked carefully at our objects of worship, the altars in our heart what would Lord Jesus find?

An altar with a fragrant incense 24×7 into His Holy Presence?

Or multiple altars like the people of Athens?

If we say we don’t know, then we need to look at the where we our spend our time, our money, our effort and also the people we spend our time with.

After self examination, if we also see an altar with this inscription:  To An Unknown God??? …then we are not where we need to be with God.

If we say, my only altar is the altar of Sacrifice to our Lord Jesus, then let us examine futher:

  1. Are our lives filled with the glory of the Living God?
  2. Are our lives filled with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to heal the sick, to deliver the possessed, to do creative miracles, to walk on the waters?
  3. Are our faces shining like the faces of Lord Jesus on the mountain of Transfiguration?

If not, we are deceiving ourselves by saying our only altar is the altar to the Living God.

Let us see if we have other altars to dismantle : the altars of the Pride, altar of ego, altar of sorrow, altar of disappointment, altar of self, altar of jealousy, altar of anger, altar of unforgiveness, altar of bitterness, altar of fear etc.

Let us ask God’s strength to dismantle such altars.

Let us build only one altar to our Loving God, because HE is a jealous God. Exodus 20:3-5 says,

You shall have no other gods before Me.You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God

When Lord Jesus walks among us, let HIM see An altar with a fragrant incense 24×7 into His Holy Presence.

Let us be filled with the power of the Living God

God Bless You

✍ Sis.Anita Thumma