Grace and Anointing for Survival
Exodus 40: 38
For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.
Cloud is rich in water and a fire cannot burn without oxygen.
A person also cannot survive without air and water
As the children of Israel were driven by the cloud and fire in all their journeys, we also should be driven by the grace and anointing of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual journey.
Spiritual meanings
Cloud – Grace, Day – holiness, righteousness etc.
Fire- Holy Spirit, night – evil characters, evil works, etc.
As the cloud is natural and covers the whole earth, so also the grace is richly and abundantly available to us.
Are you still in bondage!
Are you troubled because of your sins!
Are you accused and tormented because of the guilty of your conscience!
Remember! You are still in the grace period….
if you have breath in your nostrils you are a blessed person. You have a choice to get reconciled with God….
We cannot become Holy and righteous of our own but by the grace of God.
The fire is not natural like cloud,we have to make it…
By the abundance grace of God we have to receive the Holy Spirit
to destroy the works of darkness…..
A fish cannot survive without water for a longer time…
The children of Israel couldn’t survive without cloud and fire till they reached the promised land…
A child of God cannot survive without grace and the anointing till he reaches the kingdom of God…..
Oh we need, we need a fire, Oh we need the fire in our soul.. ..
Let the fire burn, Holy fire burn, Oh we need your fire in our soul …
Stay Blessed
Ravi 😊