The Ten Commandments


The Ten Commandments recorded in Exodus 20 are not only the basis of conduct , both moral and spiritual but also the basis of peace and prosperity for the individual and the world. The way we live is more important than what we have. 🙌

Someone said , ” No man break God’s law , he breaks only himself “. 📌 The way in which God stated His laws is amazing. The first four deal with MAN’S RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD and the last six deals with MAN’S RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN. Before a man can live rightly with each other , he must first get right with God.

📜 1 ~ No other gods before Him
There are five objects of worship which often comes before God : Wealth , Fame , Pleasure , Power & Knowledge . Let us check it ✅

📜 2 ~ No graven Image 👺
We know that ” God created man in His own image “. Instead of being like God, we seek to create Him in our image.

📜 3 ~ Do not take His name in vain
In what way we are likely to profane God’s name .

By our language.
We admit there is God but our belief is merely a lip service.

📜 4 ~ Remember the Sabbath Day .
God used 93 words to tell us to remember the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy . In the first place God tells us to remember because He knew our tendency to forget things.

📜 5 ~ Honor your parents
Parents are the greatest social influence on the life of a child. It is in the home that a child first learns to respect the personalities of others and so on . Parents must be honorable.

📜 6 ~ No killing
The foundation of this commandment is that God values every man as He values you and me . So He made us to live with each other with love and respect.

📜 7 ~ No adultery
It is wrong because
~ God said IT IS WRONG.
~ It is violation of marriage vow.

📜 8 ~ No stealing
It is the foundation of our entire economic system , because it recognizes the fact that one has right , a God given right to work , earn , save and own . Thus, it is wrong to steal. Malachi said that we are robbing God in tithes and offerings.
Are we ?

📜 9 ~ False Witness
This involves our talking about other people – a part of gossip.
There cannot be a noise unless there is an ear to hear.

📜 10 ~ You shall not covet
To covet means having a desire over something with evil motives. Be content with what you have is our signpost.

🎈 The best summary of the Ten Commandments is the one Jesus gave , ” Love the Lord your God with all your heart … Love your neighbor as yourself..” Mark 12: 30-31

Glory to God🙏🏼
✍🏾 Mark Boje, ArP 🇮🇳