Isaac was Offered as a Type of Christ
📖📖 Bible in 270 Days 📖📖
Genesis 22-24 19.7.2020
🔥 Faith Tested 🔥 Abraham Tested
God tested Abraham in order to confirm his faith and prove his commitment. God wanted Abraham to take his only son he loved to the region of Moriah and sacrifice him as a burnt offering. Prompt obedience even under such trying circumstances characterized Abraham’s response to God.
💫 We will come back to you….these words prove Abraham’s faith in God’s promise which said that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the sea shore. Abraham the man of faith reasoned that God could raise the dead if that was necessary to fulfill his promise.
Isaac was Offered as a Type of Christ
⛰️ The region of Moriah included the mountains of Jesus, Mt. Calvary, Mt. Zion, Mt. of Olives and Mt. Moriah. Calvary was the highest peak and it was on this peak of the mountain Isaac was taken to be offered as a type of Christ. Where is the lamb for the offering? asked Isaac. Abraham replied, God Himself will Provide The LAMB.
🐑 Just as Abraham took the knife to slay his son the angel of the Lord stopped him and said Now I know you fear the Lord, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. Abraham saw a ram in the thicket and he offered the ram as a sacrifice instead of His only Son.
The Love of God The Father
The ram in this story is the ultimate fulfillment by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ our Saviour. Abraham’s test also fore-shadowed the perfect consecration in sacrifice that Jesus Christ would undergo as he gave his life as the LAMB OF GOD on the cross.
🐑 The ram took the place of Isaac and gave its life. Jesus Christ the Lamb of God took the place of us sinners .. and gave His life on the cross for our salvation on Mount Calvary. God the Father spared not His only beloved son but gave Him as a Lamb to be sacrificed on our behalf for our salvation.
The greatest manifestation of God’s LOVE towards us to be saved and become His children. With grateful hearts let us thank our Lord for his great sacrifice on the cross for the remission of our sins.
Mrs Caroline Chellappa 📝