Tagged: Daniel 6-8

Daniel 6

Here we see how people’s jealousy towards us and wicked scheming against us cannot cause us any harm, provided we abide in the secret place of the Most High and dwell under the shadow...

Unwavering Devotion and Integrity

When Daniel was an old man, things had changed. A conquering ruler, Darius, had taken over the kingdom. Amazingly, Daniel survived the takeover and continued his duties as a trusted administrator of government affairs....

Books of Daniel, Questions and Answers

Q. So Darius began his reign how?A. Daniel 6:1 = Darius divided Babylon into 120 provinces, with a prince to rule each province. Q. Did Daniel work under Darius too?A. Daniel 6:2 = Yes....

The Book of Daniel: 6-8 🦁

Chapter 6Daniel Tormented – Daniel who was an administrator distinguished himself by his exceptional qualities and the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. So the others planned to find charges against...