Tagged: Acts 1-6

Faith sees what the eyes cannot

๐Ÿ”ธThe limits of sightIf I believe only what I can see, I will never know God or experience His presence. Even though I have not seen Jesus, I accept by faith the word of...

Feed My Lambs John 21:15

Author Gary Wills talks about the “radical leader” in his book Certain Trumpets. Wills describes such leaders as people who vote with their life. Others follow them because they are ready to die for...

Bible Study Insights John 20 to Acts 1

270 Days Bible Study Insights John 20 to Acts 1- Day: 235โž–โž–โž–โž–โž–โž–โž–โž–โž–20:1 People who hear about the resurrection for the first time may need time before they can comprehend this amazing story. Like Mary...

Witnessing is 24ร—7 calling

The book of Acts The book of Acts picks up the story of the embryonic church where the Gospel of Luke ends – with Jesus ‘ascension. In this book, the physician Luke compresses a...