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Platform to share, learn and reach out the Gospel to all people and Nations.

· Bible Reading·

Coming up

🌱 Join our Bible Reading Programme on WhatsApp groups and share insight. Tentative schedule reading will be announce early 2025. Please uphold in your prayer and join with us.

270, 330 Days

Our 270 & 330 days Bible Reading was completed in 2021 and 2022 respectively. This reading is updated for website visitors.


Our Lord Jesus Christ speak, inspired and save many soul. Testimony we received from different nations and denominations. 

· Post Assorted·

A Insight From The “Qurantined Room”

📌 Insight Of 28:23 Dear Brothers And Sisters In Christ. Before share my message, I would like to give a short testimony; Myself is Sister Rumi Pertin Ratan of Arunachal Pradesh (India). I am...

A leader with integrity

Prophet Samuel led Israel as Judge for 40 years. After confirming Saul as King, he called all Israelites to Gilgal. He was giving his farewell speech in the presence of Saul. (1 Samuel.12) Hear...

A letter that moved the Exiles

📖 Jeremiah 29:1-23Jeremiah sent his letter to the exiles in Babylon (v 4-23) which was addressed to the surviving elders, the priests, the prophets and other people (v 1-3). 📌 The letter was a...

A lifestyle of Worship

Psalm 101:6 “My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve me.“ David looked at the faithful, deciding that they...

A light for the gentiles

Shalom 🙏Blessed to be a Blessing to the Blessed People 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 A light for the gentiles(📖 Isaiah 49 : 6) The phrase a “light to the Gentiles” points to God’s purpose for his people...

A living sacrifice! Romans 12:1

This is one of my favourite verses and my daughter keeps on reminding me a about it whenever we come across it during family prayer or Bible studies. A simple Analysis of this verse...

A magnificent song of His love

Hosea 14 In Hosea, it is disturbing to see how our Lord yearns for our unconditional love and to see the indifference of our hearts reflected in the lives of Israel. Then, comes Hosea...

A man reaps what he sows

A man reaps what he sows Galatians 6:7In Judges chapter 1 we come across a cruel Canaanite king Adoni-Bezek.Men of Judah caught him, and cut off his thumbs and big toes. Then Adoni- Bezek...

A New Chapter

Jacob left his home and after a long journey he arrived at Laban’s home. Laban said Jacob you are my own flesh and blood. He was very happy to have him in his house....

A place designed with you in mind

God designed you and a place where you can properly function. A place designed with you in mind. In that place you can find your prosperity *When you see what God does, you’re going...

A powerful witness, God’s further plan

🔹A powerful witnessPaul’s response to Agrippa is a good example for me as I tell others about God’s plan of salvation. A sincere personal appeal or personal testimony can show the depth of my...

A prayer for deliverance from lying

Psalm 120:2 Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. We are in such a wicked world where the whole world is covered with lie and deception. Ye are...

A Prophet’s Preface

“The words of Amos who was among the sheep breeders of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel..” Amos 1:1 Tekoa was a place not very far from Jerusalem. Amos introduces himself as one of...

A prophetic word in that day

Shalom 🙏Blessed to be a Blessing to the Blessed People 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 IN THAT DAY – a Prophetic WordThis phrase “In that day” occurs repeatedly in Isaiah Chapter 10 , 11 and 12 . A...

A Saga In A Sentence

“Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross”.(15:21) The totally exhausted Jesus...

A Shepherd is feeding God’s people

Acts.20.🌹🌹🌹🌹 A Shepherd is feeding God’s people.The church belongs to Jesus.The flocks are belonged to God. Paul warns that savage wolves will come in among them all. Paul asked to have the same careful...

A spark becoming a wild fire.

In the beginning of the Bible reading programme, to read Bible in 30 days, there was only one WhatsApp group in English. Only around 25 people completed the task in March 2017. By the...